Great Rivers Choral Society, 2024

About GRCS

Great Rivers Choral Society, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, founded in the fall of 2001, is an adult chorus of mixed voices whose objective is to foster and encourage music education and appreciation in southwestern Illinois. The chorus comprises 20–30 volunteer artists from all age groups and walks of life who enjoy singing and are looking for a means of expressing their vocal talents collectively.

View Our Officers
View Board Members


The goals of GRCS include building and sustaining a strong choral organization in the River Bend area, which will attract a growing audience of music lovers. In addition, by using the expertise of the Music Director and the other members of the chorus with professional music training, the Society will focus on increasing the diversity and difficulty of the music we perform. With this exposure, both the chorus members and the audiences will have their appreciation and knowledge of music expanded. With this increase in the repertoire, the chorus can appeal to varied musical tastes and reach additional audiences.

Our Officers

Pat Stewart

Paul Guccione
Vice President

Gwen Robinson

Gary Witt

Board Members

Chris Boehn

Raynard Brown

David Bryant

Mary Cordes

Paul Cordes

Sara Crammond

Pat Jackson

Mag Paddock

Mike Paddock

Beverly Schultz

Ray West


For information on how to support our nonprofit organization with a donation, click on the button below.

Make a Donation


New singers are always welcome. Please call 618.604.1319 or click on the button below for information.

More Info

Follow us on Facebook for additional info and updates. To visit our page, click on the button below.

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Great Rivers Choral Society

Raynard Brown, Music Director

About Raynard

P.O. Box 366
Godfrey, Illinois 62035

P: 618.604.1319
E: [email protected]

The GRCS gratefully acknowledges generous support from the National Endowment for the Arts.